Wrong-Side-of-Maybe Fallacy, Load Theory, Luxury Beliefs, & More

Welcome to the new friends of the A Players newsletter who have joined us since last week!

This Week: 8 of the most interesting ideas I've found

Wrong-Side-of-Maybe Fallacy

People judge the same way: they look at which side of “maybe”—50%—the probability was on.

If the forecast said there was a 70% chance of rain and it rains, people think the forecast was right; if it doesn’t rain, they think it was wrong.

Load Theory

The amount of attention you have remains constant.

It just gets used differently depending on the demands of your situation—and maybe not how you want it to be used.

When you become fatigued, it’s harder to place your attention where you want it.

Luxury Beliefs

There’s increasingly less status attached to luxury goods, so cultural elites signal status with luxury beliefs.

These are ideas and opinions that confer status on the rich at very little cost while taking a toll on the lower class.

Backwards Law

The more you pursue feeling better all the time, the less satisfied you become, as pursuing something only reinforces the fact that you lack it in the first place.

Wanting what you have is as good as having what you want.

—Alan Watts


Assuming someone is wrong because of the person’s motives, social identity, or personal characteristics.

“You’re only saying that because you’re a _____.”

Remember: Show that someone is wrong before you explain why they’re wrong.

Necessity & Sufficiency

A necessity is something you must have to achieve an outcome.

Sufficiency is what you actually need to achieve the outcome.

Necessary conditions must be present, but on their own, aren’t enough for achievement.

The Toxoplasma of Rage

The ideas that spread furthest are the most controversial ideas; not universally agreed upon ideas.

We see controversial ideas as an opportunity to signal our commitment to a tribe or stand out from others.

Cultural Parasitism

When an idealogy parasitizes the mind and changes a person's behavior.

The person then passes the idealogy onto others, not because it’s true, but because it’s easily transmitted and believed.

Beware of that which is easily believable but ideological.

There you have it, 8 of the most interesting ideas I've found this week.

I hope you found these provocative.

Stay curious,


P.S. — If you're looking for a new gig, I might be able to help!

I've recently started an application-only talent collective to help you find your next big play. 

Members of the A Players Talent Collective get warm intros to companies vetted by me—including Figma, Stripe, Coinbase, Brex, Peloton, Affirm, Amazon, Paypal, and many more. 

It's completely free for candidates. There's no obligations. The directory is curated by me and you can be public or anonymous.  

My goal is to help you find your next great role.  

If you're in the market for a new gig, head over to A Players and apply!

🔗 Favourite links of the week 🔗

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See you again next week!