Do Nothing Tendency, Stillness & More

Good Morning. Welcome to all the new readers of Faster Than Normal who have joined us since last week!

Here’s what we’ll cover today:

Mental Model: Do Nothing Tendency.

Insight: Stillness.

Quote: Finding Self in Barrenness.

Question: Fearless Aspiration.

Visual: The World’s Forest Land.


| Latticework

Today’s newsletter is brought to you by Latticework, one of my favourite learning resources on the internet.

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| Mental Model

Do Nothing Tendency

We are more bothered by harm that comes from action than harm that comes from inaction, so we default to no action.

"Most of us have two lives: the life we live, and the unlived life within us"— @SPressfield

Don't resort to no action as a means of comfort.

| Insight

Sometimes, the best thing you can do is nothing.

Challenge: Schedule a day or a few hours for yourself with no plans or obligations, and allow yourself to simply rest, reflect, or engage in a leisurely activity.

Example: Spend a Saturday afternoon reading, taking a leisurely walk, or watching your favorite movie.

| Quote

Vera Nazarian on the transformative power of adversity:

"The desert is natural; when you are out there, you can get in tune with your environment, something you lose when you live in the city."

Interpretation: In the barrenness of the desert, we find a profound connection to nature and to ourselves. It's a reminder that sometimes, it's in the harshest of conditions that we discover our true essence and resilience.

| Question

What would I do if I knew I could not fail?

A Visual I Enjoyed

Have a wonderful Wednesday, all.

Until next time,


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