Jimmy Buffett, Workspaces, and Wealth

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Good morning to all new and old readers! Here is your Wednesday edition of Faster Than Normal, exploring one short story about a person, a company, a high-performance tool, a trend I’m watching closely, and curated media to help you build businesses, wealth, and the most important asset of all: yourself. 

If you enjoy this, feel free to forward it along to a friend or colleague who might too. First time reading? Sign up here.

Today’s edition:

> Stories: Jimmy Buffett & Xiaomi
> High-performance: Workspaces
> Trend: Falling Birth Rates
> Tactical: Forming a wealth strategy
> 1 Question: Tough decisions


P.S. Send me feedback on how we can improve. I respond to every email.

Stories of Excellence

Person: Jimmy Buffett

In a world where business magnates often wear suits, Jimmy Buffett donned a Hawaiian shirt and turned a laid-back attitude into an empire. "I ain't the best guitar player in the world, and I ain't the best singer in the world. But it's my name on all the sold-out theater signs up there," Buffett once quipped, capturing the essence of his brand. His song "Margaritaville" not only secured a spot in the United States National Recording Registry but also became the cornerstone of a business venture that includes restaurants, merchandise, and even a Broadway musical. Buffett's story is a testament to the power of authenticity and the art of monetizing a lifestyle, a narrative that resonates with anyone who's ever aspired to turn their passion into profit. Buffett passed away in September 2023, leaving behind a genuine icon status among fans (including me!).

What we can learn from Jimmy Buffett:

  • On perspective: "It takes no more time to see the good side of life than to see the bad."

  • On challenges: "One of the inescapable encumbrances of leading an interesting life is that there have to be moments when you almost lose it."

  • On the journey: "Searching is half the fun: life is much more manageable when thought of as a scavenger hunt as opposed to a surprise party."

  • On laughter: "If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane."

Fun fact: Jimmy Buffett was one of my Dad’s all-time favourite artists. We have a family ritual of playing his music when going on holiday in the far north-west of Western Australia. Jimmy has been a big part of my life! RIP Jimmy.

Company: Xiaomi

Xiaomi, the Chinese electronics giant, was founded in 2010 by serial entrepreneur Lei Jun and his team of seven co-founders, including Lin Bin, Li Wanqiang, and Hong Feng. The group - all tech industry veterans - started with just 13 employees in a small office in Beijing. They named the company Xiaomi, meaning "millet" in Chinese, and drank bowls of millet porridge together on their first day to celebrate the humble beginnings of what would become a global powerhouse.

What we can learn from Xiaomi:

  • On customer insight: "We're not a company that chases trends. We go back to the essence of what our customers want," said Lei Jun. Xiaomi prioritizes user feedback at every step.=

  • On business model innovation: Xiaomi sells high-quality hardware at razor-thin margins, then profits from services. Lei Jun said: "We are an internet and a software company much more than a hardware company."

  • On sustainable advantages: Xiaomi's complex hardware ecosystem and sticky user community form a powerful moat. Lei Jun said: "This huge barrier is impossible for other companies to surpass."

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High-performance tool


Every few weeks, I’ll share a tool or hack I’ve been trying that’s improved some aspect of my life. I have no affiliation with these and will always clearly share when that’s false.

This week, it’s Workspaces. A site that allows you to explore the workspaces of creative individuals.

I find having an inspiring workstation goes a long way to keeping you energised, and Workspaces provides hundreds of examples of how you can improve yours.

A trend I’m watching

The world is getting older fast. Birth rates are plummeting across the globe, even in countries like India and China that were once demographic powerhouses. At the same time, people are living longer than ever. This "gray tsunami" will have huge economic impacts, straining healthcare systems and reducing the working-age population.

Potential Business Opportunities:

  • Robotics and automation companies that can help fill labor shortages, especially for elder care and service industries. Startups like Labrador Systems are already building robots to assist seniors at home.

  • Biotech and pharmaceutical firms focused on extending healthspan and lifespan. Google-backed Calico Labs has raised billions to research treatments for age-related diseases.

  • New models for retirement living and senior housing that are high-tech, socially engaging, and more affordable. Upstart provider Cantina Communities is rethinking the traditional nursing home.

  • Femtech and fertility treatment startups that make it easier and cheaper for people to have children later in life, like Carrot Fertility's employer-sponsored IVF and egg freezing.

As Boomers age and Millennials delay or forego having kids, a massive demographic shift is underway.

If you’re interested in more trends and business ideas, check out Capital Ideas—Faster Than Normal’s paid sister publication (Subscribe with one click).

Tactical reads

> When you need to delegate
Proper Delegation for CEOs (Read it here)

> When seeking to avoid investment mistakes
Quotes on the mistakes investors make… (Read it here)

> When you need to improve your thinking
Farnam Street: elements of effective thinking (Read it here)

> When understanding electric vehicles
A deep dive into how electric vehicles are changing the auto industry (Read it here)

> When forming wealth strategy
7 Things Rich People Never Do (Read it here)

1 question

Consider a time when you had to make a tough decision. How did you navigate this decision, and what did it teach you about your values and decision-making process?

That’s all for today, folks. As always, please give me your feedback. Which section is your favourite? What do you want to see more or less of? Other suggestions? Please let me know.

Have a wonderful rest of week, all.


Recommendation Zone

If you’re considering building your own personal brand, starting a Newsletter, or saving time by delegating to offshore assistants, I documented my journey doing each of these as a part-time Creator. Check them out if you’re interested:

  1. Newsletter Mastery: How you can build a newsletter like Faster Than Normal.

  2. The Sovereign Creator: How you can build your personal brand on Twitter, LinkedIn, & more.

  3. The Master Delegator: How to hire, onboard, and ramp a virtual assistant as a founder, executive, or investor.

Why Faster Than Normal? Our mission is to be a friend to the ambitious, a mentor to the becoming, and a partner to the bold. We achieve this by sharing the stories, ideas, and frameworks of the world's most prolific people and companies—and how you can apply them to build businesses, wealth, and the most important asset of all: yourself.

Faster Than Normal is a ‘state' of being’ rather than an outcome. Outlier performance requires continuous, compounded improvement. We’re your partner on this journey.

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