Inability To Close Doors, Life's Simple Pleasures & More

Good Morning. Welcome to all the new readers of Faster Than Normal who have joined us since last week!

Here’s what we’ll cover today:

Mental Model: Inability To Close Doors.

Insight: Life's Simple Pleasures.

Quote: Elegance in Simplicity.

Question: Actions and Environmental Footprint.

Poem: The Phoenix.


| Latticework

Today’s newsletter is brought to you by Latticework, one of my favourite learning resources on the internet.

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| Mental Model

Inability To Close Doors

We are obsessed with having as many irons as possible in the fire.

We tend to rule nothing out and be open to everything.

However, this lack of focus destroys success.

We must learn to close doors.

Write down what NOT to pursue in your life.

| Insight

Embrace the beauty in ordinary moments.

Challenge: List three seemingly mundane moments that brought you joy or peace in the past week.

Example: Enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning, listening to the birds sing, or a heartfelt conversation with a friend.

| Quote

Marty Rubin on the wisdom of simplicity:

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."

Interpretation: In a world that often glorifies complexity, there is elegance in embracing simplicity. It's about distilling the essence of what truly matters and finding clarity amidst the noise. Sophistication, then, is the art of living with intention and grace.

| Question

What is the impact of my actions on the environment and future generations?

A Poem I Enjoyed

"The Phoenix" by Mary Anne Radmacher

In the ashes of despair,

A phoenix finds its birth,

Rising from adversity,

Resilient in its worth.

Have a wonderful Wednesday, all.

Until next time,


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