Mere Exposure Effect, Practice for Progress & More

Good Morning. Welcome to all the new readers of Faster Than Normal who have joined us since last week!

Here’s what we’ll cover today:

Mental Model: Mere Exposure Effect.

Insight: Practice for Progress.

Quote: Pragmatic Idealism Blend.

Question: Risk-Reward Balance.

Poem: The Journey.


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| Mental Model

Mere Exposure Effect

The tendency to develop a preference for things merely because we're familiar with them.

Critical in decision-making; when deciding between alternatives, we shouldn't choose the familiar option, we should choose the best option based on its effectiveness.

| Insight

Practice makes progress, not perfection.

Challenge: Reflect on a skill you've been working on and write about the progress you've made over time.

Example: Learning to play a musical instrument, improving public speaking, or developing leadership skills.

| Quote

Lee Kuan Yew, founding father of modern Singapore, on the importance of pragmatism:

"What's practical and pragmatic can be made to look idealistic."

| Question

Reflect on a recent decision that didn't turn out as expected. What can this outcome teach you about balancing risk and reward in future decisions?

A Poem I Enjoyed

"The Journey" by Rainer Maria Rilke

Embrace the unknown with open arms,

The journey's just begun,

Through trials and tribulations,

Resilient, we become.

Have a wonderful Wednesday, all.

Until next time,


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