Strategic Underinvestment, Infinite Goodwill & More

Good Morning. Welcome to all the new readers of Faster Than Normal who have joined us since last week!

Here’s what we’ll cover today:

Mental Model: Strategic Underinvestment.

Insight: Infinite Goodwill.

Quote: Boundless Self-Discovery.

Question: Purposeful Living.

Parable: The Bundle of Sticks.


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| Mental Model

Strategic Underinvestment

Choose in advance what to fail at.

Don't try and do everything.

Nominate entire areas of your life (E.g., chores) where you won't expect excellence of yourself.

Focus your time and energy on only the most important, high-value tasks.

| Insight

Kindness is a currency that never loses value.

Challenge: Commit to performing one act of kindness every day for a week and document the impact it has on both you and others.

Example: Compliment a stranger, offer assistance to a coworker, or simply lend a listening ear to a friend in need.

| Quote

Nikos Kazantzakis on the relentless quest for self-improvement:

"I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free."

Interpretation: Liberation lies in the absence of expectations and fears. It's about embracing the journey of self-discovery without being bound by limitations or external pressures. In this freedom, we find the courage to continuously evolve.

| Question

How can I better prioritize my time and energy to focus on what truly matters?

A Parable I Enjoyed

The Bundle of Sticks (Source: Aesop's Fables)

A father, on his deathbed, asks his sons to fetch a bundle of sticks. He tells them to break the bundle, but they cannot. When they untie the bundle and break the sticks individually, they succeed. The father uses this to demonstrate the importance of unity and strength in numbers, teaching that we are stronger together than we are alone.

Have a wonderful Wednesday, all.

Until next time,


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